October 1st on Kultura.PIKA workshop we determined the course of our region’s cultural development until 2030. Creators and lovers of culture, representatives of public and non-governmental organizations from Piran, Izola, Koper and Ankaran came together to define the first points of a strategy that prioritizes environmental friendliness, sustainable mobility, support for professional cultural outcomes, respect for the city and rural development.
Foundations of cultural program
The main themes of our candidacy are closely connected with Piran and the entire Istrian region, but they also have an important European and international dimension:
1. Local and global climate crisis as seen by art: Piran is increasingly flooded due to climate change, so the problem of (re) use of water (fresh and seawater) raises new pressing questions about our needs and approaches for a more resilient society.
Our cultural programme represents an opportunity to realize contemporary art projects that are created in deep and close collaboration with scientists with whom we are connected in multidisciplinary teams of researchers.
Socially oriented, community-oriented cultural dialogue, which promotes social dialogue, can be traced in almost every cultural project that makes up our programme.
2. Transcending borders, geographic, physical (historical and contemporary alike) and psychological (mental, existential, emotional): borders, including the Schengen border with Croatia, create a number of social and intimate obstacles. Our cultural programme explores how art and creativity can overcome these boundaries and thus also contribute to a better understanding of the climate crisis.
Segments of cultural program
Program temelji na štirih platformah, ki jih udejanjajo številni – bodisi samostojni ali pa v skupine povezani – projekti.

Platform 1: Cultural Embassy for Climate Crisis
We will explore the possibilities of addressing the issue of climate change in the framework of international dialogue that recognizes no borders.

Platform 2: Lost and Found
The platform addresses the dramatic changes which occur over time. It encourages the preparation of projects that focus on the current and past identity of Istria, its mentality and languages – factors that have divided and united us in the past.

Platform 3: Connect and Care
We encourage changes that will lead Piran and Europe towards greater resilience, endurance and cohesiveness. The platform focuses on how we will shape our future(s) using creative tools in multidisciplinary structures.

Platform 4: Salt and Sea
The Salt and Sea platform explores ways to move beyond the dualities of 20th century related to production and consumption, and offers new ways of working, thinking and feeling related to nature and its transformations, the development of the hinterland and marine connections, and the future of tourism.
European dimension
We have another big step ahead of us: to intensively reintegrate our region into contemporary European cultural trends. The European Capital of Culture PI2025 will therefore become an international hub and platform for intercultural dialogue. During the preparation of the candidacy, we established good relations and cooperation with various European platforms and networks. Joining the CAE (Culture Action Europe) platform means better access to European partners.